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Part 1: The Pembroke Choir Books and other Music Manuscripts from Pembroke College, Cambridge


Information concerning the Choir Books
Nicholas Heppel, Pembroke MSS MU 6.1-6 (1993)
John Morehen, Pembroke College, Cambridge, MSS 6.1-6 (1969) [Extract from
The Sources of English Cathedral Music c1617-c1644 (Cambridge PhD thesis, 1969)]
Choir Books
Pembroke Mss Mus 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 c1625-1644 12" x 8"

Choir Books
Pembroke Mss Mus 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 c1625-1644 12" x 8"
These six part-books consist of:
Mss Mus 6.4 - Medius Decani
Mss Mus 6.1 - Contratenor Decani
Mss Mus 6.2 - Tenor Decani
Mss Mus 6.3 - Tenor Cantoris
Mss Mus 6.6 - Bassus Decani
Mss Mus 6.5 - Bassus Cantoris
Their full contents appear overleaf.

Compositions appearing in the Choir Books (Mss Mus 6.1 - 6.6)
No: Composer - Title

1: Tallis - Short Service (TD, B, K, C, M, ND)
2: Orlando Gibbons - Short Service (TD, B, K, C, M, ND)
3: Child - Service in G (Be, J, K, C, M, ND)
4: Child - Sharp Service (TD, J, K, C, M, ND)
5: Child - Preces and Psalm 67 (Pr, DM)
6: Mundy - Service (TD, B)
7: Farrant - First Service (unique source) (K, C)
8: Tomkins - First Service (Magnificat) (M, ND)
9: Morley - First Service (TD, B, K, C, M, ND)
10: Johnson - Service (TD, B, K, C, M, ND)
11: Byrd - Second Service (For a man alone) (M, ND)
12: Child - Flat Service (Magnificat) (M, ND)
13: Giles - Verse Service (TD, J, C, M, ND)
14: Farrant - Third Service (TD, B, K, C, M, ND)
15: Byrd - Great Service (M, ND)
16: Child - Venite
17: Tomkins - First Service (Venite)
18: Orlando Gibbons - First Preces and Psalm 145 (vv1-14)
19: Orlando Gibbons - Second Preces and Psalm 145 (vv15-end)
20: Farrant - Psalms 21, 146 & 147 for ‘Obiit (Sun)day’
21: Hooper - Great Service (M, ND)
22: Morley - Second Service (M, ND)
23: Tallis - Preces and Responses

24: Tallis - I call and cry
25: Mundy - O Lord, I bow at the knees
26: Byrd - Arise, O Lord, why sleepest thou
27: Byrd - O Lord, make thy servant Charles
28: Byrd - Sing joyfully
29: Byrd - Save me, O God
30: Hooper - Behold, it is Christ
31: Child - Sing we merrily
32: Child - Gloria in excelsis domine (English)
33: Child - Sanctus (Holy, holy) (English)

34: Tomkins - Above the stars my saviour dwells
35: Tomkins - O pray for ye peace of Jerusalem
36: Tomkins - Thou art my King, O God
37: Giles - Out of the deep
38: Orlando Gibbons - Glorious and powerful God
39: Orlando Gibbons - Behold, thou hast made my days
40: Byrd - Christ rising
41: Tomkins - Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
42: Orlando Gibbons - Behold, I bring you glad tidings
43: Parsons - Lord, comfort those that lie sick

44: Bull - Almighty God, which by the leading
45: Giles - Everlasting God, which hast ordained
46: Giles - God, which as upon this day
47: Child - Turn thou us, O good Lord
48: Child - Almighty God, which hast knit
49: Giles - I will magnify thee, O Lord
50: Child - Give the King thy judgements
51: Tomkins - Psalm 117 (O praise the Lord)
52: Child – O Lord, grant the King a long life (in a post- restoration hand - possibly copied for the Coronation festivities)


Other Music Manuscripts

Pembroke Mss 314 - Music fragments including Dunstable Mss, 15th century and later. There are 12 items in all, filmed in the following order:
Items 1-2: Two music fragments from the beginning of C.47 (4pp)
Items 3-5: Three music fragments from the end of C.47 (6pp)
Items 10-12: Two music fragments "probably from C.47"
Items 6-7: Compositions by J Dunstable [et alia?]
Items 8-9: Compositions by J Dunstable [et alia?]
Items 6-7 comprise: 2 Glorias - Et in terra pax homnibus bonae voluntatis (3 voices)
[Wyvell] Maria virgo intercede pr toto mundi (3 voices)
Credo - [Dunstable] factorem celi et terrae, visibilis omnis et invisibilis (2 voices, incomplete)
Items 8-9 comprise: 2 Credos - Contra-tenor & tenor only
[Dunstable] Quam pulchra es (3 voices)
Ave regina angelorum (3 voices parallel)

Pembroke Mss Mus 6.23 - A Cornelli Op 2 & Op 4, nd. 122pp, 30cm
Pembroke Mss Mus 6.24 - Musical scores by Tudway, Thornowitz etc, early 18th century. 45pp, 32cm
Pembroke Mss Mus 7.2 - Anthems and Canticles by Dr Blow, Henry Hall, Mr Tucker, Thomas Tudway etc, 18th century. Includes "A solo verse in the Anthem sung before the Queen in Kings College Chappell on the Occasion of her Majestys presence there." 44pp, 16cm.
Pembroke Mss Mus 7.18 - The Psalms of David for the use of Parish Churches, (Words: G H Drummond; Music: Edward Miller), London, 1790. 142pp, 28cm.
Pembroke Mss Mus 7.22 - A Pocket Companion for Gentlemen and Ladies: Being a Collection of the finest Opera Songs and Airs, in English and Italian, London, 1725. xvi, 152pp, 17cm. (13 page list of subscribers).
Pembroke Mss Mus 8.17 - Robert Smith, Harmonics, or the Philosophy of Musical Sounds, Cambridge, 1749. [xvi], 292pp, 25pp plates, 12pp indexes, 23cm.

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